Rage and Frustration
Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews

Brandon Seabrook’s Needle Driver – Needle Driver
Band – Brandon Seabrook’s Needle Driver
Album – Needle Driver
Country of Origin – USA
Genre – Alternative Metal
Release Date – October 27th, 2017
Label – Nefarious Industries
Author – Mannerheim
Like a large syringe being driven into the base of your brain stem by avante-garde genius Brandon Seabrook himself, his newest project Needle Driver definitely lives up to its title. Scorching solos, bone crushing chord progressions, and hanging onto one note so long it makes an uncomfortably long Family Guy joke look tame. Melody takes a backseat to the groove throughout and time signatures are decimated on this jarring release. I would probably classify it as avante-garde jazz, but genres mean nothing to these musicians as they blaze a hole through most of them.
Brandon Seabrook is a renowned avante-garde guitar and banjo player hailing from New York City. The local media have given him countless praise and awards. Being known as a solo artist, composer, and collaborator this album finds him as bandleader of this burgeoning project. Weird, trippy, and impressive are all the descriptors necessary to give kudos to the new trio for their first release. Hope they tour the midwest. I am sure their live performance would live up to the jarring theatrics of their music.
Recommendation: Buy a late night coffee shop in the city. Every Friday night play this album on repeat from 12 to 2.
Rating: 4/5