Ushangvagush – Pestmo’qon
Musically, Pesto’qon picks up where Mntu left off, and then builds from there.
Musically, Pesto’qon picks up where Mntu left off, and then builds from there.
while fundamentally it is black metal as we know and love it, it’s turned and tweaked and reshaped in small ways that leave it sounding fresh and vital.
It really threw me off on first listen, but it’s so well executed that I couldn’t help but fall in love with it.
Azaketh has crafted five tracks which feel genuinely powerful.
When leagues of black metal and sludge bands continue to narrow themselves into smaller and smaller niches in genres that are already well-trodden, sometimes a band scrambles the assumptions of genre enough to keep everything interesting. Rorcal is one such band.
In the case of Cult Burial’s Reverie of the Malignant, it is clear that they do not struggle to find a footing within these seemingly disparate styles. They thrive in the liminal space between them.
…if you wanna sit with an album for a few listens and really get to know it, then this one’s for you!
Owlbear kicks ass. Seriously.
Right of the rip, or should I say riff, this album brings you to the trve and cold.
Starer can basically do know wrong. Each album is part of a cohesive sound, yet each also has its own unique elements.