SONG OF THE WEEK: Night Demon – The Chalice
Check out The Chalice in all of its ritualistic glory below, and then move on and discover the rest of the EP.
Check out The Chalice in all of its ritualistic glory below, and then move on and discover the rest of the EP.
Oozing Wound remain my favorite black mold metal band, their style jokingly dubbed with this genre label during an interview I did with them two years ago. I am, however, determined to make the label stick.
This song, and the album from which it relentlessly crawls forth like an invading creature of spiteful violence, are among the most brutal, hateful, bile-filled creations I have ever heard.
Musically, Peripeteia is has grown immensely from Beyond All Light. Pablo Picasso once said, “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” Beyond All Light is the band’s masterpiece after learning the rules of black metal as an art form. It is darkly beautiful, full of vile, pent-up aggression and ceaseless rage. Peripeteia is where Anagnorisis begin to break the rules like an artist.
The two songs and the interlude sandwiched between are ominous, destructive, and diabolic while also taking the listener on a dark, dimensional journey.
Discarnatus is like a re-animated corpse with blackened, putrefying flesh layered over a skeleton of death metal.
Vicious. Feral. Intense. Unhinged. These are all adjectives which could be used to describe Post-Mortem by the now defunct Florida grindcore act Terrorist.
[I’m] just taking the Icy black metal parts a bit further and the melodic parts a bit further.
Cloud Rat is always amazing and Wolves in the Throne Room was near transcendental.
I’m not sure that I can even say that I like the album. What I can say with certainty is that it is one of the most compelling listens I’ve heard all year.