The track is both grief stricken and rage filled at the horrors of humankind. It’s an absolute gut punch, full of the darkness of the decay of modern society.
The track is both grief stricken and rage filled at the horrors of humankind. It’s an absolute gut punch, full of the darkness of the decay of modern society.
Prognan’s “Naši životi više ne postoje” delivers a fantastic mixture of harrowing wartorn black metal with cinematic folky grandeur.
Their patient building of terrifying atmosphere set them apart from contemporaries and make them well worth thirty-five minutes of your time.
These six tracks hit much like the sledgehammer in the hands of the Punisher in season 2 of that show – violently and repeatedly, with devastating effect.
For something so off kilter, the three tracks are incredibly fluid, with a subtle beauty.
Layering sludge metal with noise and subtle blackening, 71TonMan join a very select few in creating a soundscape of palpable nihilistic dread.
The Drunk Sessions is not nearly as heavy as what I normally write about, but the five tracks are still emotionally hefty.
Creating a dark atmosphere with careful, patient percussion, bass lines that seem to hum with the very vibrations of the earth, and creative riffs which run through several variations of doom metal.
Lead guitar work adds nasty flourishes to a mesmeric track, while the rhythm section keeps everything moving the way raging waters keep the rapids moving.
This is music for singing along in drunken voices, for rousing the spirit of warriors before battle, or for dancing, full of glee, through the moshpit.