by Hayduke X | Oct 1, 2020 | Reviews |
…strap in and listen up as Hayduke X (MoshPitNation), VUK (The Metal Wanderlust), ProgCaveOgier (The Metal Wanderlust), Gos (Black Metal Daily, MoshPitNation, Order ov the Black Arts) and Dex (Black Metal Daily) perform a surgically precise track-by-track dissection and give this apocalyptic beast the attention it deserves… for we have entered the age of ENDARKENMENT.
by Hayduke X | Sep 26, 2020 | Interviews, Reviews |
What has been wonderful is, even though it was Cammie’s vocals that drew me in, it’s the entire package that keeps bringing me back, and making this album one of my most listened to this year, on a playlist stuffed full of black metal, death metal, and grindcore.
by Hayduke X | Sep 26, 2020 | Reviews |
The best way I can describe it (and this falls short of what it really is) is Napalm Death mixed with Cognizant.
by Hayduke X | Sep 26, 2020 | Reviews |
If you are looking for songs that are a middle-finger to misogyny and apathy, then this album will strike all the right chords within your warm, but battered heart.
by Hayduke X | Sep 26, 2020 | Reviews |
Sometimes you just want meat and potatoes at the dinner table. Sometimes you just want extreme metal that rips in your ears.
by Hayduke X | Sep 19, 2020 | Reviews |
It’s as if you had an M4 Sherman tank that could convert into an ‘82 Firebird with the push of a button.
by Hayduke X | Sep 19, 2020 | Reviews |
Immersion is still an overwhelming and pummeling experience, but it’s one you might be able to share with an extreme music friend who wants to get into the band but doesn’t know where to start.
by Hayduke X | Sep 19, 2020 | Reviews |
Pessimista works first and foremost from a thematic base of DSBM, though stylistically, I find a lot of raw influences present as well (though not Raw, if you understand the difference).
by Hayduke X | Sep 15, 2020 | Reviews |
DAMNATION AS LIBERATION is a brilliant rearrangement of established, even tired, tropes into an ambitious and novel style of being dark and heavy.
by Hayduke X | Sep 13, 2020 | Reviews |
This release is a highly recommended (by me…right now) split between two bands showing different takes on the style.