Re-armed – Ignis Aeternum
You can close your eyes while listening to this album and picture standing in the rain; cold, clean refreshing, washing away the dirt of the day like the sins of the baptized.
You can close your eyes while listening to this album and picture standing in the rain; cold, clean refreshing, washing away the dirt of the day like the sins of the baptized.
…the dead gather at the center of the underworld, where Venomous Skeleton performs as the house band.
Abrasive in a cathartic way, Old Patterns picks and tears off mental scabs to allow for proper healing.
Temnein of France has brought to life a collection of folk stories, along with a few pop culture-based stories, to entertain the masses.
…pure crusty punk rock infused metallic joy.
They are a jewel and they play with energy conveying a fiery presentation that completely revels the listener making them ready to push past what could be considered inside the domain of solace.
Shrewdly situated and controlled impact beats summarize to a savagely dim and audaciously fierce methodology.
“So, in essence, the whole concept of Mystras is about reclaiming.”
What truly cements this release as an overwhelming artful culmination is the feeling behind it.
Regardless of which side sounds more your style, I recommend brewing a pot of chamomile tea prior to listening. You may need it to calm your nerves.