Artillery – The Face of Fear
blistering speed metal – a plethora of tempos, moods, and melodies create a balanced listening experience
blistering speed metal – a plethora of tempos, moods, and melodies create a balanced listening experience
Its strengths lie in the quality of the recordings and arrangements, and particularly in the amount of time and space given to each song to build and develop ideas to their conclusion
a deep spiraling void of whirring desolation and weighty atmosphere.
a magnificent display of technical prowess
intensely vicious, savagely raw, and pretty weird.
groovy spaced-out trip with ranting vocals and a sing-along chorus
Musically, Under the Regolith is a masterwork in slightly progressive death metal.
As you approach, her child is born right in front of your eyes. The unnamed Orphan of Kos is a humanoid creature that is holding what appears to be its own bladed placenta.
Other bands attempting the Death Doom should look to the album as an example of how to play the style properly.
Take no prisoners, no holds barred, realest of the real, capital D for Death, capital M for Metal, Death Metal.