Texas Metal Outlaws – Texas Metal Outlaws
an intrepid, merry band of about two dozen veterans of the Texas Metal scene have united to present a sort of “all-star” tribute to all things old-school metal.
an intrepid, merry band of about two dozen veterans of the Texas Metal scene have united to present a sort of “all-star” tribute to all things old-school metal.
the Athens-based quartet play fast in the vein of classic ‘80s speed metal and thrash acts, but they also take the listener on a veritable musical roller coaster
a fast-paced, boisterous, rip-roaring, unrestrained piece of fuzzbox art
a year full of boundary pushing, genre blending, and crazy music
Allow me to present Beyond the Soil of the Dead, the final track in this opus of pustular filth.
From each pleasant little ditty written to inspire the soldiers in their trenches and loved ones back home, to the thunderous sound of these Ukranian boys bringing the history back before our very ears, this is simply one album that every Metal fan must have, and I cannot emphasise this enough.
this is withering-fire metal amplified 150 percent on the technicality and innovation scales.
I feel unsettled, nervous, even insignificant as I listen, but the effect is more ominous than threatening.
Fermented deep in the underground depths of pandemonium, this release contains many familiar aspects of the Discarnatus sound.
builds to a wall of sound crescendo reminiscent of early emocore for just a moment before the chaos resumes.