Ôros Kaù – Thanatos
Thanatos isn’t casual, and it shouldn’t be treated as such.
Thanatos isn’t casual, and it shouldn’t be treated as such.
Though it’s only three tracks long, and one of them is a Soundgarden cover, this EP still feels like a meaty offering.
Putting all of these experimental tendencies together, we have an album that you will return to regularly.
Atrocity Machine is a revelation – an evolutionary leap forward for a band that has essentially a perfect discography prior to this album.
I hear a resurgence of the past with a spiked fist clenched on the future.
The album is elegant, flowing seamlessly from traditional heavy metal riffs to djent worthy chugs to tremolo riffing to soaring melodies to…well, you get the idea.
It lives within the boundaries of the style (with some blackening, but that’s not so abnormal), but does so with a unique putrefaction that makes it stand out above the rest.
Don’t mistake their longevity for complacency: This Cannibal Corpse is still hungry. VERY hungry.
In just two short EPs, Riversleem has joined the ranks of some of my favorite currently active bands with a short but unrelentingly intense genre-spanning style of hardcore.
Make no mistake. This is legitimate black metal music. It just chooses to follow a different path than the grim, corpse-painted, spike laden creature of the night that so many black metal musicians cosplay as.