Funeral Mist – Hekatomb
Those first notes hooked me and I found myself swept along, unable to fight the current, resting to preserve my strength for the moment I might break free.
Those first notes hooked me and I found myself swept along, unable to fight the current, resting to preserve my strength for the moment I might break free.
…the composition of the whole is brutally vile and compellingly tight.
…complex riffs whose only purpose is to crawl insect-like into your brain, lay eggs, and let their larvae consume you from the inside.
Wolvhammer take the aggression and savagery of black metal and drag it down into the filth of sludge bile.
The music is also most reminiscent, to me, of free jazz, finding inspiration in many different styles of music, past and present, and then gutting them, turning them on their head, and subverting them in the most difficult ways.
…the strength is in the composition. One gets lost in it. The ritual is uncompromisingly effective.
There’s Carcass worship aplenty here though, with waves of grinding riffs, old school guitar tones, a rhythm section that gives the whole thing a little headbanging groove, and filth laden vocals that wash over you like used formaldehyde.
Arallu play a style of black metal owing a debt to the early masters, but infusing their music with traditional middle eastern instruments.