It’s a scathing powerviolence attack with elements of grind, death metal, groove, and noise filtered through a lens of pure, unadulterated rage.
It’s a scathing powerviolence attack with elements of grind, death metal, groove, and noise filtered through a lens of pure, unadulterated rage.
There is genuinely never a dull time on this album.
This is one for the dark hours.
“Calling ourselves antifascist by no means takes away the ferocity of this music. Our teeth are just bared in a different direction, and dripping with different blood.”
…beautifully crafted riffs, brutal vocals, and tight, clean recording quality.
I’m a pretty huge fan of the band’s output to date, but this track tops the pile for me.
Witches Forest is a perfect example of someone who was actually showing indigenous musical characteristics.
I really love songs that sound like they’d work as a pop songs too and this absolutely does. Bravo!
Musically, Pesto’qon picks up where Mntu left off, and then builds from there.
while fundamentally it is black metal as we know and love it, it’s turned and tweaked and reshaped in small ways that leave it sounding fresh and vital.