Rage and Frustration
Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews

Condenados – The Tree of Death
Band – Condenados
Album – The Tree of Death
Country of Origin – Chile
Genre – Doom Metal
Release Date – January 13, 2017
Label – Shadow Kingdom Records
Author – Baker
Let’s take a trip to the depths of DOOM. Condenados, the trio from Chile, grinds out six tracks on The Tree of Death. While listening to the tracks, I can picture a ritual surrounding a pyre with sacrificial gifts. Be it living sacrifice, harvest yields, or other, one’s imagination can picture robe clothed individuals and their sinister plots.
Fernando Vidal’s haunting vocals on each tune mesh well with his doom riffs. Matias M.H. provides the bass support and Arcano the drums. Together, they produce a melodic, classic doom sound that is easy to get into. Keep listening and you’ll soon find yourself howling along with the chorus.
If you are interested in checking out a video for their song Demon Head, from this album, visit the link below. It is pretty raw, but entertaining as well. If Condenados visited my town, I would definitely choose to check them out.
Recommendation: Nothing groundbreaking, but worth the listen..
Rating: 3/5