Band – Malconfort

Album – Humanism

Country of Origin – UK

Genre – Experimental Black Metal

Release Date – July 5, 2024

Label – Transcending Obscurity Records

Author – Hayduke X


Today, we are streaming the opening track from “Humanism,” the debut album from UK based experimental black metal project Malconfort. The band is a supergroup of weirdo (complimentary) extreme musicians, featuring members of Sea Mosquito and Amaltheia taking part in the project. The track, entitled Compulsion (Ecstasy), is a jazzy bop, with funky bass and guitar lines that are frankly reminiscent of Rage Against the Machine and raspy, squalling vocals over it all. I’m sure I’m failing to capture the entirety of what this is, as words fall short when boundaries are erased, but you can just press play below to see for yourself.


Honestly, I’m not sure this can properly be called a black metal album. Hints of blackened guitar and drums, as well as what might be considered black metal style shrieks, or at least shrieks that would work on a black metal album, do weave throughout the tapestry of the album. You could as easily call this a jazz album, with elements of prog rock and black metal. However, we are a metal blog, so we will approach this from the perspective of metal. As such, “Humanism” is a masterpiece of pushing boundaries in the metal world, by moving beyond formula, incorporating other styles of music, and just generally composing to create the sounds and textures you wish to express, not just to please the ears of a particular fan base – art for the sake of art. It’s fair to say that this results in an excellent release though. Wonderful for those who enjoy their music more on the experimental side, but plenty for anybody to like as well.


For this release, drumming is handled by Kopczak, who spreads his wings wide and flies high. Time will tell if he flew too high (yes, I’m referencing Greek mythology), but I think not. The drumming is groovy and nuanced, pushing and pulling in all the right places, sometimes working with the other instruments, sometimes playing in counterpoint to them. Kopczak is also responsible for some of the synths, a duty shared with Fas, and which add nuance and psychedelia to the album, and also vocals, along with Nuun, who I’m guessing is the main vocalist (as that is his sole listed duty in the promo materials). Guitars and bass are both composed and played by Fas, who moves them fluently through the piece to meet the needs of the moment.


“Humanism” is not the most extreme album you’ll hear this year, nor does it try to be. It might just be the most interesting album you hear this year, though. It’s not brutal, but it does travel down dark pathways, through the deep warrens of the mind. Nuance and subtlety are the ways in which this album pulls you under. I’m excited to hear what comes next.


The album can be pre-ordered from the Transcending Obscurity Bandcamp or website.


Biography:  Hayduke X has been writing for MoshPitNation since June of 2016. He is also a contributor to The Metal Wanderlust. Prior to joining the MoshPitNation team, Hayduke published reviews on his own blog Rage and Frustration. In addition, he has DJ’ed an online metal radio show of the same name as his blog, written for, done interviews for Metal Rules, and collaborated with The Art of B Productions to create video interviews with a wide variety of bands.






