Rage and Frustration
Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews

Graceon – IV
Band – Graceon
Album – IV
Country of Origin – USA
Genre – Prog Metal
Release Date – May 18th, 2018
Label – Translation Loss
Author – Mannerheim
Haunting melodies echoed by dark, moving arrangements are the standard for this three piece from San Francisco. What sets this band apart from other metal bands is the use of electric cello to hold down the low end in the rhythm section. This leads to truly majestic melodic phrasing that allows the guitars and cello to interweave as both rhythm and melodic instruments. The vocal arrangements go from layered harmonizing sections to plain emo screamo, an emotional niche that is truly lacking in the scene today. Top track to exemplify this is Let Go.
As IV is their fourth full length album, Graceon brings forth a veteran sound that seems to be as eclectic as the city from which they hail. It is as if being surrounded by one of the most progressive and inclusive communities in the country finds a way of forcing its way into the art being created within its boundaries. Thus, that also erases all boundaries, and Graceon seem happy to appease and bring it forth into the style of music they love.
Recommendation – Keep an ear out for them as their talent shall soon carry them to new heights.
Rating – 3.75/5