Rage and Frustration
Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews

Herem – III
Band – Herem
Album – III
Country of Origin – Finland
Genre – Doom Metal
Release Date – January 13, 2017
Label – Inverse Records
Author – Baker
Delivering doom metal from Finland, Herem’s third full length album aptly titled “III” features the grinding guitars and paced drum beats one would expect. What separates Herem from the others is Valendis Suomalainen. Her haunting growls make the skin crawl like worms and beetles devouring a graveyard corpse.
The group has been spreading the gloom in Finland since 2005 with all five original members still present. If you are in Helsinki, check the clubs to see if they are playing. If travel isn’t in your plans, pick up “III” online.
Recommendation: Gloomy and sorrowful doom metal. Worth a listen.
Rating: 3.5 of 5