Rage and Frustration
Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews

Heresy Interview
Band – Heresy
Country of Origin – Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Author – Benjamin Boggs
I have personally known the guys from Heresy for a long time. From the old dusty days at Lyle’s in Lowell to the now defunct Rocker on Alpine, my old band Eighth Chakra and Heresy used to play out together a lot. Heresy was a part of Heavycore and could be seen performing with the likes of GR heavyweights Struck Animosty, Sadomasochism and the Grand Rapids metal and hardcore scenes at large. They are a part of the “Heavier the Better” compilation currently still available on iTunes. A lot has changed in the time that Heresy has been in a state of slumber. These guys have gone on to form several notable bands within the Grand Rapids music scene, and I would be remiss to attempt to name them all. Most notably, the Necrophilicons, 10 Second March, Four Lincolns, and Auslander are my favorites amongst the list. I was fortunate enough to sit down with my old Buddy Collin Harvey to pick his brain about the past, present and future of Heresy. Below you will find our conversation in all of it’s morbid splendor!
Ben: What prompted the reunion?
Collin: I received a random call from Trevor back in January. He asked if I would want to get Heresy back together and, without hesitation, I said “yes”. I had no idea what was going to be involved and who was actually going to be in the band, but I was definitely in. It was time for us to be back.
B: What were you up to during the hiatus?
C: The list is too long for what we have been up to these past 15 years. Even just for me, the list is too long, but we have all kept busy and been in other bands over the years and working. But we have always kept writing through everything going on in our lives, whether for ourselves or the other bands.
B: What is the best part of being back?
C: The best part of being back has been hanging with these guys again and writing metal songs. Just jamming until something fits what we’re going for musically.
B: What has most notably changed in the music scene since you’ve been away?
C: The biggest thing I have noticed about the local scene is that a lot of the places we used to play are no longer around. That in itself sucks, but I keep hearing of places that weren’t around back then that are showcasing local artists so I’m pretty excited to check them out.
B: What does the future of Heresy look like? Is this a last goodbye or an awakening?
C: This is definitely an awakening! We’re not going anywhere anytime soon. We originally planned on just recording our music and not doing live shows, but the response from everyone that used to know us has been unreal! Everyone seems to be excited we’re back.
B: What are you most excited about for the October 20th show?
C: I’m most excited to see everyone that used to come watch us and also see and hang out with all the new friends we have acquired over the years.
B: What have you currently been listening to?
C: I listen to so much music it’s ridiculous. This is another list that could take forever. Recently I’ve been listening to Immortal, Dark Funeral, Super Bob, Prophets of Rage and Otherwise. I’m sure I’ll get kicked out of the metal community for a few of those. lol.
B: How have your influences changed over the years?
C: I still hold true to the influences I used to have. I still listen to all the 90s and 2000s metal. Not all 2000s, because that’s when metal started taking a bad turn. I’ve gotten into some more hard rock bands with people that sing instead of always growl. Since there is singing in Heresy, it can only help me more.
B: What do you do in your daily life that contributes to the influence in your music?
C: Road rage helps me write lol. I also play horror based video games and watch horror movies. That helps out a lot. I write whatever I happen to feel in the moment.
B: Did you keep up with the local scene? If so, who are some of your favorites, and if not, why?
C: I’ve only really kept up with friend’s bands; I haven’t kept up with the whole scene. I haven’t been to many shows either. I did happen to catch Heartsick open for a national band in Battle Creek and they were awesome! Drink Their Blood is awesome also! Haven’t heard a lot but I like what I’ve heard so far! As voices Echo is another one that I’m digging.
B: And finally, what is your stance on the elusive Sasquatch?
C: I thought he was interviewing me. Not very elusive, Ben.
Almost as if the Archangel’s trumpet heralds the coming of the end of times, Heresy’s first show back will be at Mulligan’s on October 20th. Drink Their Blood and Blackfront Ink will be support. Come and witness the rebirth first hand! Free cover. 21+