News, Reviews and Interviews

Heavy Metal Around the Globe

Gin Lane – Unpleasant Promises

Gin Lane – Unpleasant Promises

Father W. shows that genre is irrelevant in his ability to pour forth musical passion, rage, and disgust for the horrors humanity unleashes in the world around us.

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Vile Ritual – Tongues of the Exanimate

Vile Ritual – Tongues of the Exanimate

As black metal and death metal, generally speaking, rise in popularity, and show no signs of slowing down any time soon, we can still find black/death metal hidden away underneath all the grime of the underground.

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Bloodgate Track Premier: Death on the Horizon

Bloodgate Track Premier: Death on the Horizon

The first single from the upcoming album, Solace in Mourning by Bloodgate! Check out some blackened thrash about the impending doom of a vastly outnumbered army... this is Death on the Horizon. Death on the Horizon by Bloodgate BLOODGATE’s music is heavily inspired by...

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Det Eviga Leedent – Reverence

Det Eviga Leedent – Reverence

Det Eviga Leedent brings us their sophomore album, ‘Reverence’ with Jacob Buczarski (Mare Cognitum and Acathexis) on vocals, and man! Did they deliver on this one!

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Abhoria – Abhoria

Abhoria – Abhoria

Abhoria is a catchy album, with earworm riffs crawling out of the blackness to crawl around in your brain for a while.

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Anti Ritual – Expel The Leeches

Anti Ritual – Expel The Leeches

Lyrically, Anti Ritual speak to the rising wave of fascism (in opposition, of course), the environmental catastrophe we have collectively caused, the oppression of capitalism, and more. In other words, they have every right to be incredibly pissed off. We all do. 

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7 Rainbows In Exile – Twilight Gymnastics

7 Rainbows In Exile – Twilight Gymnastics

If you were to take The Cure’s sad tune “A Strange Day” and stretch it out into a full-length album, but inject it with the dark danceability of Drab Majesty, then I feel as though you would get Twilight Gymnastics

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Rz’s Top 35 Albums of 2021

Rz’s Top 35 Albums of 2021

but here I am, writing a top 35 and I couldn’t be happier about it. Looking forward to writing more reviews in 2022. Without further adieu, my Top 35 albums of 2021!

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Vindicator – Communal Decay

Vindicator – Communal Decay

I dead set thought I had accidently swtiched to a Voivod album. Now if that isn’t one of the finest compliments you can ever give a band, you may all kiss my lilly white arse.

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