Rage and Frustration
Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews
Galvanizer – Sanguine Vigil
Be warned that it is highly addictive and you might need to detox to come away from it safely
Interview with Agusa
Rage and Frustration Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews Band: Agusa Album: Agusa Country of Origin: Sweden Genre: Psych/prog rock Label: Laser’s Edge Interviewer: Mannerheim Thank you for the opportunity to do an interview with you. I really enjoyed...
The Great Mackintosh/Andrew Cook’s Top 50 of 2017
We may disagree on a lot of this but at the end of the day Metal is the blood, and the blood is the life.
Auri – The Crown of Doubt
Growth from this early, lofty level will likely lead to exceptionalism.
American Space Monkey – Crash Landing
Players of obnoxious, abrasive music.
Redneck Spaceship – Grand Marshal Ape
A fantastic listen of well produced, bluesy, groovy metal.
Shambles – Primitive Death Trance
Be prepared to have your life left in Shambles!
Verikalpa – Taistelutahto
This would most definitely translate into a great party album for drinking ale and mead to.
Fight the Fight – Fight the Fight
ability to be brutal, melody driven, and obscene all in the same song
The Divided Line – Paramnesia
catchy chorus riffs and perfect vocal styles
Knife the Glitter – Knife the Glitter
melodies and the progressions interweave in a tapestry of perfect harmony
Hellish God – The Evil Emanations
It is really the classic sound from the late 90’s that they most call forth.
Summoning – With Doom We Come
Rarely has black metal felt so immense and stately.
Bleeding Gods – Dodekathlon
The production value and symphonic flourishes serve only to allow this monster room to roam and destroy
Nekrokraft – Witches Funeral
Prudent use of death and thrash elements serve to heighten the sense of impending doom.
Revenger – The New Mythology Vol. 1
chasing one another around the sonic waves
Death on Fire – Witch Hunter
Amongst the angst is a mix of melody for good measure.
Golgothan Remains – Perverse Offerings To The Void
This is no work of kind folk, this is evil in its purest form.
Obscene – Sermon to the Snake
Solidly played, solidly executed music, and showing a lot of potential indeed,
Black Moth – Anatomical Venus
Anatomical Venus is quite an impressive opus from start to finish
All previous content is available on the old R&F Blogspot site indefinitely.