Reviews: MI Metal Shows & Albums
Here’s Our Opinion.
Sentiment Dissolve – The Orwellian Dream (Review + Interview)
Precision, power, variety, creativity. What more do you want?
Tzompantli – Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force
“Beating the Drums of Ancestral Force” is a war cry against the oppressive forces of modernity and a calling forth of ancient warriors and ancient ways.
TRACK STREAM: Februus – Gentrification of the Soul
If you’re an adventurous sort, this album is for you. If you’re not, well you will be by the time you’re done listening, because this album is for you anyway.
EXCLUSIVE TRACK PREMIERE: Miasmic Serum – Infected Seed (Featuring Fiore Stravino from Fulci)
Give this one a listen…it’s got some punch.
Niboowin – giving in (Review + Interview)
I just walk away from listening each time feeling like I’ve grown or changed in some vaguely satisfying way, like I’ve achieved a catharsis I didn’t even really know I needed.
Lust Hag – Lust Hag (Review plus Interview)
TL;DR – Lust Hag by Lust Hag is a dark, swirling, yet well balanced masterpiece of raw black metal tension.
The six tracks are more nuanced, more blackened, and meaner than what was found on the already stellar prior releases.
EXCLUSIVE TRACK STREAM: Fractal Generator – Cryogenian
“Convergence” is absolutely visceral and will hold its grip on you for a long time to come.
TRACK PREMIERE: Glyph – Of The Caverns
The evolution happens bit by bit, piece by piece, almost under the radar, and all in service to the ‘stretching of wings, to fly into the sun.’
FEATURE: Malevich – Trembling and Dowsed EP (plus tour news and an interview)
Michiganders please note that they are at the Regal Beagle in Ann Arbor on May 5th. Sell it out.
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