Society Kills “The Wolf & The Lamb” Album Review

Society Kills “The Wolf & The Lamb” Album Review

I was handed one of the very first copies of “The Wolf & The Lamb” from Society Kills and intended to have this written and published a long time ago… Instead, I found myself on a quest for a way to listen to the album. You see, I don’t have a CD player...
BoneHawk “Albino Rhino” Album Review

BoneHawk “Albino Rhino” Album Review

I’ve never had much use for genres, I just listen to music. If it moves me and makes me want to hear it again… I dig it. The BoneHawk genre (whatever damn genre it is) has really hooked me and I was stoked to sit down and give “Albino Rhino” a few good listens.

Infinite Design “Phases” Album Review

Infinite Design “Phases” Album Review

This band evolves! Not comfortable staying in the box of death metal, “Phases” shows how they have each grown and expanded as musicians. It flows really well from song to song. It’s heavy, while still being groovy.