Verikalpa – Taistelutahto
This would most definitely translate into a great party album for drinking ale and mead to.
This would most definitely translate into a great party album for drinking ale and mead to.
It is really the classic sound from the late 90’s that they most call forth.
Rarely has black metal felt so immense and stately.
The production value and symphonic flourishes serve only to allow this monster room to roam and destroy
Prudent use of death and thrash elements serve to heighten the sense of impending doom.
This is no work of kind folk, this is evil in its purest form.
Solidly played, solidly executed music, and showing a lot of potential indeed,
Anatomical Venus is quite an impressive opus from start to finish
The darkest of oceans lapping forever at your feet and suddenly you are in it and drowning with no help in sight.
Any attempt to welcome this album into a good home and to give it the attention it deserves will no doubt yield tremendous rewards.