VIDEO PREMIERE: Plasmodium – ParaMantra
Plasmodium attacks in a fear-inducing swarm of chaotic terror.
Plasmodium attacks in a fear-inducing swarm of chaotic terror.
The track starts out with belligerence, as Void’s bellows hit the listener square in the chest, and then devolves and evolves into a racing, grinding, destructive cacophony of purpose.
Regardless of causes, Maelström is just that: Mind bending!
First, the chaos, then the separation, then the rising away from all, from everything…from anything.
It is our great honor today to present to you A Subjective Tragedy, the first track from the upcoming EP.
I’m not sure what conjuration Teratolith are performing, but it is undoubtedly visceral and it is undoubtedly worth your time.
I think the payoff for letting a difficult album have the time necessary to gel with you is often worth it.
Allow the three tracks to guide your exploration to the primal void and find what truth is to be had there.
It’s as if Derhead has distilled rage and pain, beauty and misery into a concentrated form.
With gelatinous form it escapes the grasp of a one genre categorization, and its grabbing tentacles move freely from genre to genre catching plankton particles from everywhere it moves.