Benthik Zone – εἴδωλον
This third full length by the Portuguese duo travels seamlessly through the strangeness of the deep and the dark.
This third full length by the Portuguese duo travels seamlessly through the strangeness of the deep and the dark.
Enjoy Hayduke’s Top 50 of 2021 list.
Two dudes who love metal and living the metal lifestyle. What’s not to like?
Overall, this is occult black metal done right.
‘Deiform’ will be released on Friday, December 17th, 2021 through Norma Evangelium Diaboli digitally and physically.
The ride is dark, and often hopeless. I also find it cathartic.
This debut album sucks all the air out of your lungs and holds you under for the entirety of its forty minute run-time.
Quite frankly, I’m a little shook by how intensely good this album is.
This album is a masterpiece that will continue to unsettle me for years to come. Take note.
Harsh earworms crawl through the sand of the listener’s psyche like shai-hulud in your brain, disturbing, disrupting, and defiling as they sizzle unnatural pathways.