Protest the Hero – Palimpsest
You’ll be hearing these songs in your head over and over and be itching to hear the album once more.
You’ll be hearing these songs in your head over and over and be itching to hear the album once more.
Divinihility is a brief masterpiece of angular, chaotic mayhem.
All of the chaotic brutal beauty (breauty? beautality?) is on display here in Vore yet again.
…has just enough touch of prog to keep it flowing and interesting.
Hearing it will not be enough, but if you do hear it, you will feel it.
The music they create together is nothing short of sorcery.
…invigorating straightforwardness to keep everything moving forward.
Shrewdly situated and controlled impact beats summarize to a savagely dim and audaciously fierce methodology.
Astonishing twirling sounds and gusts of psych commotion envelope the splendid and absolutely shaking tracks on each through and through.
…typical descriptors such as “melodic” do not even begin to describe the immaculate, celestial magnificence of UNREQVITED’s God-tier blackened cinematic atmosphere.