0% Hate – At The Mercy Of Our Own
Staccato riffs reside alongside passages of technical proficiency all delivered with the crushing brutality of death metal.
Staccato riffs reside alongside passages of technical proficiency all delivered with the crushing brutality of death metal.
the obvious answer is rage, and the band certainly rages on The Revolution Will Not Be Televised But It Will Be Heard.
It is utterly bleak, like walking into a ghost town.
Altogether, SERENE DARK represents a significant advance from the band’s previous manifestation and gives listeners a seamless, varied, and epic articulation of black metal, melodic death metal, old school death metal, and deathcore whilst focusing on a fascinating and poignant psychological exploration.
You’ll be hearing these songs in your head over and over and be itching to hear the album once more.
“Seeking Glory” will be the one where they solidified their potential status as legends.
…has just enough touch of prog to keep it flowing and interesting.
…if you are looking for the next titan to rise from the Murder Mitten, take a close look here.
…comes at you…bad-to-the-bone…
There is a burning sense of ominous intent throughout the release, yet the primary emotion seems to be one of grief, fitting for a game where the primary experience is death.