Dark Helm – Hymnus De Antitheist
a magnificent display of technical prowess
a magnificent display of technical prowess
Fermented deep in the underground depths of pandemonium, this release contains many familiar aspects of the Discarnatus sound.
plenty in the way of deliberate and crunchy groove, dynamic usage of riff and tempo changes, and compelling vocal melodies that rival their doomy forefathers
I will say I give full support for these two artists, this project, and what they stand for. There are some important thoughts shared here.
The effect of the whole is quite cohesive, especially considering how many musicians contribute, a testament to the songwriting ability of Demonstealer.
Altar of the Dying is truly relentless. Expect to be brutalized by the full 23 or so minutes.
Through their music, which is a vicious, yet emotionally moving black metal with some ambient elements, they seek to fight for the oppressed of the world, and I stand in solidarity with them in this mission.
For me it’s all about staying on top of my schedule. There is also a 100% dedication to both bands.
I’m a big fan of all forms of dark music.
Right from the first lead-in instrumental track, this album brings the classic Swedish death metal sound.