Bog Wizard – From The Mire
Ultimately, From The Mire is an album not to be slept on. If taken seriously, it will take you on a dark journey into the recesses of your imagination.
Ultimately, From The Mire is an album not to be slept on. If taken seriously, it will take you on a dark journey into the recesses of your imagination.
There will be a moment in your future when you get to press play on this album for this first time, and that moment will be amazing!
The key ingredient on this darkly majestic album is riffs.
Video premiere for Dehumanized from The Tragedy of Mankind by xIronSharpensIronx
The line up works very well, creating a dismal, post-apocalyptic sound, full of ominous intent.
Please don’t sleep on this Album Of The Year contender from some of our most promising local talent.
Come for the Dungeons & Dragons. Stay for the didgeridoo.
The riffs are chunky and the grooves have a good momentum to them, but this kind of music is usually all about the lyrics and the emotion behind their composition and delivery.
…it’s low-fi powerviolence in the style of California bands like Despise You but done up Detroit style, with all the added filth, fury, and weirdo tech-y sounds that the Dirty D would bring to such a table.
It is utterly bleak, like walking into a ghost town.