Recorruptor – The Funeral Corridor
…if you are looking for the next titan to rise from the Murder Mitten, take a close look here.
…if you are looking for the next titan to rise from the Murder Mitten, take a close look here.
Think tearing yourself apart while still conscious, blood dripping, brain exposed, yeah, the death metal works.
The rest of the brief but dizzying time span of the record is spent with absolutely everything on ten from the drum machine to the incomprehensible guttural vocals.
They listen to the abnormal and love it, now they play it and revel in it.
Likely the weirdest band in the state, they’re always ready to pull a surprise out of their back pocket…
They are a jewel and they play with energy conveying a fiery presentation that completely revels the listener making them ready to push past what could be considered inside the domain of solace.
…they are straightforward, no frills, downright filthy rock and roll.
This genre-defying album throws all emotions into the mix to really bring home the message.
As heavy and unrelenting as this release is, it never forgets to swing.
On Underground, Moto continue to create unique music that is so much greater than the sum of its parts.