Iskandr – Spiritus Sylvestris
I really love songs that sound like they’d work as a pop songs too and this absolutely does. Bravo!

Ossaert – Pelgrimsoord
So what’s the verdict? Simply put, while it languishes a bit in some places (mostly the latter half of track 3 and track 4), Pelgrimsoord seems to take the sound of Bedenhuis and capitalize on it by inserting a handful of really cool extras.

TRACK STREAM: The Sombre – My Betrayal As A Knife
Desperation. Hatred. Pain. All of these can be heard in every riff, drum beat, and anguished growl of Maurice de Jong on Shapeless Misery, his latest offering to the world.

Neocaesar – 11:11
Neocaesar take said death metal and ramp it up to pure malicious levels of brilliance that simply ignore your definitions of what old school or new school are.