Precaria – Nigraluminiscencia
“Nigraluminiscencia” starts with a second or two of infernal fires crackling until you’re right where the music wants you, disoriented in dissonance and feeling the flames of your inner-hell.
“Nigraluminiscencia” starts with a second or two of infernal fires crackling until you’re right where the music wants you, disoriented in dissonance and feeling the flames of your inner-hell.
Taken together, the two sides of Theosulphuros have something of a yin yang quality to them – the more structured Precaria, riding herd on the wild nature of Darkness, driving chaos relentlessly forward and the more chaotic ÔROS KAÙ whose wild rhythms reveal a central, mesmeric calm being birthed.
…the band combines passionate vocals with a top notch blend of influences woven through their melodic death base, to call attention to the destruction being visited on the earth through the havok of mankind.
Each listen leaves me simultaneously fulfilled and wanting more. Perhaps that is the sorcerous power of the sword.
The best way I can describe it (and this falls short of what it really is) is Napalm Death mixed with Cognizant.
There is no beauty here, nor should there be. There is only a righteous simmering rage leaking out of a tightly lidded container.
Trust me people, there’s a reason why this release has caught attention from two different labels.
One thing that really drew me in was the crunchy guitar riffs mixed with an underlying synth at times, and it makes it more dimensional, which adds to overall experience.
This album is dark imagination writ large.
Sedate drumming, melancholy and often repetitive riffing, simple chord structures are all beautifully done, and all help the purpose of the album, which is to highlight the raw pain of the vocals.