Fawn Limbs – Darwin Falls
Music is often somewhat visual for me, but rarely is it as viscerally visual as this album.
Music is often somewhat visual for me, but rarely is it as viscerally visual as this album.
I find myself enthralled in the story of a family I’ve never heard of, a family who never leaves the house, but instead spends their days watching an Egyptian TV show that they can’t understand.
There is great depth of feeling on the album that seeps through the cracks of this raging entity.
Part I and Part II combine to give a visceral look at the demons whispering in Wrath’s ear.
I’m still trying to wrap my head around it, though my heart was completely captured with the first notes of the first listen.
The six tracks account for about seventeen minutes of runtime, every second of which twists and turns your psyche in delightfully disturbing ways.
Elements of symphony, black metal, doom metal, and folk metal blend together in dark, melodic, bombastic package of weird and interesting music.
…if you like to challenge yourself and your psyche, this release is on par with anything else released this year, at the top of the pile of the viscerally bizarre.
…as in a dream world, the album is a deep mix of different concepts both musically and conceptually that would seem confusing outside of dreamworld. Yet here, they make perfect sense.