LIVE MUSIC REVIEW + INTERVIEW: Body Void (with Graboids and Pillar of Light)
Why: Because Body Void whips ass, obviously, and it turns out so do Graboids and Pillar of Light
Why: Because Body Void whips ass, obviously, and it turns out so do Graboids and Pillar of Light
Atrocity Machine is a revelation – an evolutionary leap forward for a band that has essentially a perfect discography prior to this album.
“Calling ourselves antifascist by no means takes away the ferocity of this music. Our teeth are just bared in a different direction, and dripping with different blood.”
Abhoria is a catchy album, with earworm riffs crawling out of the blackness to crawl around in your brain for a while.
For fans of the metalcore genre, try this out. It may be your next thing.
Summoning the Lich unleashes United in Chaos – a record that takes the standard expectations of melodic and technical death metal and injects it with an insane amount of adrenaline, blazing through a labyrinth of incredibly strong guitar riffage and next-level vocals.
Mirrors by Pupil Slicer is a highly enjoyable and unbelievably powerful collection of twelve tracks that demand and deserve attention.
You Can’t Go Back is heavy! Sometimes that means musically heavy, but throughout the entire album, it means emotionally heavy.
The fact that the entire album and all its parts came from the mind of a single individual helps contribute to the cohesive feel of MMI which avoids the pitfalls of riff salad and influence drift that can derail a project like this one when too many contributors have too much say.