The six tracks are more nuanced, more blackened, and meaner than what was found on the already stellar prior releases.
The six tracks are more nuanced, more blackened, and meaner than what was found on the already stellar prior releases.
Musically, Pesto’qon picks up where Mntu left off, and then builds from there.
Enjoy Hayduke’s Top 50 of 2021 list.
There is vibrant energy and a sense of immediacy to these tracks, probably due to the purpose of the composition.
There is really a lot going on here, yet the eight tracks remain (mostly) within the confines of Raw Black Metal as a distinct subgenre.
Through the extra time allowed on a full length, the artist really spreads their wings, taking the time to develop each feeling, each howl, each riff, each drum stroke.
The final product is gripping, painful to behold, and wonderfully cathartic.
Pessimista works first and foremost from a thematic base of DSBM, though stylistically, I find a lot of raw influences present as well (though not Raw, if you understand the difference).