Hayduke’s Top 50 0f 2021
Enjoy Hayduke’s Top 50 of 2021 list.
Enjoy Hayduke’s Top 50 of 2021 list.
From the thunderous energy of “Coil” to the chugging thwacks that accompany the heart-wrenching lyrics of “Ruse,” this album has a little something for everybody.
Immersion is still an overwhelming and pummeling experience, but it’s one you might be able to share with an extreme music friend who wants to get into the band but doesn’t know where to start.
…five spiraling out of control songs that your neighbors will love…If they don’t, then turn it up until they do.
If the devil wears studded leather jackets and drives a motorcycle, then he without a doubt listens to this band.
There is nobody else that I’m aware of doing what PM does. They are masters of a genre all their own.
The band delivered on every level that I had expected and seemed to have matured with time.
Through six tracks running just shy of an hour, the band weaves a complex web of dread and discovery.
Poison Blood has my full attention. This debut album by the North Carolina duo is raw like an open wound, dark like a moonless night, unclean like an American Civil War hospital, and vicious like a thirsty vampire.