Aversio Humanitatis – Behold The Silent Dwellers
Coming in hot to celebrate a decade of evolving and growing, we have reach a point of maturity and perfection, as Behold The Silent Dwellers is nothing short of a masterpiece.
Coming in hot to celebrate a decade of evolving and growing, we have reach a point of maturity and perfection, as Behold The Silent Dwellers is nothing short of a masterpiece.
I cannot think of ANY project that so effortlessly channels real emotion in their music.
To Crown All Befoulment strives to take the throne for unremitting nihilism and sonic annihilation of 2020 with it’s infernal, terror-inducing, and lethal combination of black metal, death metal, and bestial/war metal.
Ekpyrosis rises from the deepest pit of the void, a creature unleashed to slither forth upon the unsuspecting masses.
Sheer sonic obliteration.
If you haven’t heard of Void Rot, the psyche consuming MinnDeath project from Minnesota, you’ve probably been living in a cave somewhere.
The depths of nightmares are plumbed to find the visual template upon which this sonic blasphemy is drawn.
Civilizing is the soundtrack to the slow, but inevitable decay of humanity, reveling in the prospect of this demise.