Golden Ashes – In the Lugubrious Silence of Eternal Night
…and turns it into an almost panic inducing feeling.
Graceless – Where Vultures Know Your Name
There’s a storm thundering in the distance and I’m not sure I’ll survive.
Bleeding Gods – Dodekathlon
The production value and symphonic flourishes serve only to allow this monster room to roam and destroy
Cryptae – Cryptae
.Cryptae sound like they just walked straight out of the primordial ooze and decided to show us what the fuck that sounded like.
Deathmarch – Dismember
Hopefully with such a fierce love of doing what they do more will follow soon.
Kayak – Seventeen
Ultimately, what could have been a dizzying set of technical exercises actually breathes with life and vigor as a result of the melodic lines that make the whole affair quite entertaining and well worth a listen.
Disabuse – Death Machines
This is not a new band trying to catch the sound of those glory days. This is a band that was making crossover thrash (my favorite variety) in those glory days.
Apotelesma – Timewrought Kings
Apotelesma combine all of the traits of a successful doom band. The ability to make you feel what they must have had to feel whilst writing this epic
Vuur – In This Moment We Are Free – Cities
Vuur will be a force to reckon with in the prog metal genre in the years to come, provided the project stays together.