The Minerva Conduct – The Minerva Conduct
This, my good friends, is Prog leaning Metal at its finest.
This, my good friends, is Prog leaning Metal at its finest.
These guys can hang with the best of the Thrash giants in my opinion, rivaling sounds of Exodus and Testament with ease.
With a broad brush stroke, MRTVI paints a decidedly finite portrait on the ever growing and ever evolving landscape of contemporary black metal.
Warcrab gives us a dark, brooding masterpiece without flaw. Too few will hear this album this year, but it will certainly find it’s way high up on my year end list.
Musically, the album is so dynamic and unpredictable, it very nearly defies classification. To say that it is a mix of black and death metal, while true, does not do justice to what you hear when you listen.
Enemy of Duality, is intense in a restrained manner. It is fierce and harsh, but not savage, uncontrollable, but not out of control.
Sometimes playing an established style to the point of excellence is preferable to masturbatory experimentation. That is certainly the case with Echelon.
Crocopter is insanely fun or possibly just insane.