Inexorum – Moonlit Navigation
I’m going to go ahead and say it from the get go. This album is fantastic.
I’m going to go ahead and say it from the get go. This album is fantastic.
I think the payoff for letting a difficult album have the time necessary to gel with you is often worth it.
It’s like water skiing behind a speedboat down I-94 into Detroit. Strange, almost unfathomable, but undoubtedly a good time.
On this release, Kaliya can run you down with speed, rumble over you with power, and often does both simultaneously. Behold the brutal velocity!
…a melodic/raw black metal duo from Anchorage, and I believe their setting is extremely important to how their music seems so effortless, when talking about how coldness and organic nature of their sound.
Please don’t sleep on this Album Of The Year contender from some of our most promising local talent.
It connects on all the different levels, from the group harmonies, the synth patches, and of course the bass tone.
Like all great punk rock, the band asks difficult questions, calling out the ills of society, but also deals with personal issues, like those we all deal with.
Come for the Dungeons & Dragons. Stay for the didgeridoo.
It makes sense that music about said reality should have some edge to it, and this does. In the end, this album is magnificent and majestic, while still directed and aggressive, a pitch perfect balance and a masterful release.