Paint It Black – Famine
I’m embarrassed to say that Famine is serving as my introduction to the band, but these eight tracks across less than twenty minutes have placed them firmly on my radar.
I’m embarrassed to say that Famine is serving as my introduction to the band, but these eight tracks across less than twenty minutes have placed them firmly on my radar.
Deeply mesmeric compositions drew us each into the depths of our souls, to the most contemplative layers, where we experienced epiphanies which are hard to put into words.
The band continues in a niche side of extreme music that takes the original, anti-musical ethos of grindcore seriously.
This album is a banger and I’m very confident the band would keep the pit absolutely hopping.
Enjoy every jolt, reprieve, attack, and sharp turn.
The vision of the world seen between the riffs is bleak, but there is strength and spine there too – enough to rise up with each cadence to move inexorably forward and fight back!
Though it’s only three tracks long, and one of them is a Soundgarden cover, this EP still feels like a meaty offering.
Atrocity Machine is a revelation – an evolutionary leap forward for a band that has essentially a perfect discography prior to this album.
It lives within the boundaries of the style (with some blackening, but that’s not so abnormal), but does so with a unique putrefaction that makes it stand out above the rest.