Cannibal Corpse – Chaos Horrific
Don’t mistake their longevity for complacency: This Cannibal Corpse is still hungry. VERY hungry.
Don’t mistake their longevity for complacency: This Cannibal Corpse is still hungry. VERY hungry.
Make no mistake. This is legitimate black metal music. It just chooses to follow a different path than the grim, corpse-painted, spike laden creature of the night that so many black metal musicians cosplay as.
It’s a scathing powerviolence attack with elements of grind, death metal, groove, and noise filtered through a lens of pure, unadulterated rage.
There is genuinely never a dull time on this album.
This is one for the dark hours.
“Calling ourselves antifascist by no means takes away the ferocity of this music. Our teeth are just bared in a different direction, and dripping with different blood.”
…beautifully crafted riffs, brutal vocals, and tight, clean recording quality.
Witches Forest is a perfect example of someone who was actually showing indigenous musical characteristics.
Musically, Pesto’qon picks up where Mntu left off, and then builds from there.
Owlbear kicks ass. Seriously.